Friday, May 31, 2013

Look out Charlie's Angels!

Apologies for the silence - I have not had internet connection for one reason or another for a couple of days.

Today's post is all about my family, as I have been contacted by 'long-ago' friends asking to see the crew. Fortunately we attended a 21st last Saturday, and so these pics are right up to date.

This is a somewhat blurred photo of the family - my three girls and my wife. For those who know us - the order is Co, Da, De and Ca. And yes, my youngest is my tallest!

Charlie's Angels - here comes the competition!

Here, then, are my girls with their cousins - Natalie (whose birthday it was) is the only person who bothered to look at the camera, and Sam on the far right.

Dancing there was a-plenty - who says us Zimbos can't flick a hoof with the best of the rest of the world? Top of the playlist was 'Dancing Gangnam-style'. Can you tell?

What happens when you 'party with a big stick' - and then have to travel 4 hours home the following morning through a sunny winters morning in Zimbabwe?


The kids of today just have no stamina.

Have a great day!

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