Saturday, December 15, 2012

mango mania

The warm weather, coupled with the sprinkling of rains that we have had, as brought about the start of the mango season! Soon thousands of trees will be buckled under the weight of mangos, but these first fruits were brought in by rural folk - two huge baskets full. Though these early ones were tiny - they are bursting with flavour, and the ones we cannot eat will be made into mango chutney and sauces for vanilla icecream

The arrival of the 'sellers' occasioned much bargaining and microscopic inspecting of their wares - eventually a price of 15 mangos for $1 was agreed, and then I bought for the hotel - 90 mangos, and the Staff then picked and prodded the balance.

This is how we roll on the African continent - one doing and four watching!

You'll have noticed that everyone was so engrossed in counting to make sure no thievery took place that.......the flowers got flattened!

Once we had all filled our pockets, the 'mango sellers' were left with only a few fruit to take home.

Old Joseph - who wore what has come to be known as "the condom" on his head last month (see earlier blog from 22nd November) was given a free mango - and started dancing with joy around the car-park. For such an old fellow he sure has got some startling moves - expecially when his hips get going!

Once again - words are inadequate.....

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